Monday, October 18, 2010

The River Road

A trip down the Great River Road in Alton and Grafton, Illinois can be a lot of fun. The bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River are covered in trees and other types of foliage and in the fall you have an opportunity to see some of the most amazing colors imaginable. Unfortunately we didn't see much of a color change in the leaves yesterday. There were a few spots where you could definitely see a flash of red, orange, or yellow, but for the most part it was either green or brown. The river itself was also very low and there weren't many boats out. The picture you see was taken as we were driving down the road at about 60 miles per hour. I cropped out the windshield wipers as I took the picture through the front class, and did a few touchups to the color and the lighting. I love taking pictures of the bluffs. They are so huge and so powerful and every time you photograph them they look different. Who knows, maybe we'll go again a little later in the fall and I'll be able to show you some real Alton color change.

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